Infrared Light Therapy
Similar to humans, both dogs and cats can suffer from arthritis, joint pain, and inflammation. Photobiomodulation (PBMT) can help with all of these ailments and more.
Infrared light falls just outside the visible spectrum, past the edge of what we as humans can see.
How does Infrared Light Therapy work?
Infrared light works by increasing Nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a short lived gas that is crucial to the health of your pets arteries. This powerful signaling molecule relaxes the arteries while helping to regulate blood pressure. The increase of Nitric Oxide also fights free radicals, and discourages platelets from clumping together in the blood vessels. Your pet will benefit from the Infrared light therapy almost immediately by enhancing blood flow in the treated vicinity, bringing oxygen, nutrients and most importantly- pain relief to any injured tissues.
What are some of the conditions light therapy help with?
Soft tissue injuries
Ligament injuries
Tendon pain
Trigger Points
Strains and sprains
Shoulder, Hip, Neck and Back pain
Salivary gland problems
Post-surgery pain
General maintenance of healthy joints
What animals can use Infrared Light Therapy?
Guinea Pigs
…and other small mammals